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Methods of payments

  • Τρόποι Αποστολής

    The company KOIOS AL. BROS CO (KOIOS FURNITURE) authorizes one of the following payment methods:

       A) Pick-up and payment at LETTO store

    You can collect the products and pay the billing at our headquarters, 15th km O.N.R. THESSALONIKI – VEROIA, THESSALONIKI, without any additional charge.

       B) Bank account deposit

    Please include the number of your order and your full name as a justification for the deposit. Once the payment is completed, please be kind enough to inform us either by email using mariag@letto.gr / sales@letto.gr or call us at +30 2310722225.

       C) Credit or Debit card payment

    The charge of your credit or debit card is made by posting your order on the day of completion. Our website is fully occupied by all necessary security systems to ensure every payment transaction. Every payment transaction, as well as all the corresponding information and private data, are confidential and protected by the upgraded security systems of the National Bank of Greece. All confidential data considering bank accounts or credit cards, is stored in encrypted form on the databases of the National Bank of Greece and have no direct connection to the internet.

    Bank Accounts

    National Bank of Greece (NBG): GR 18 011 0840 00000 840 440 120 49

    Piraeus Bank: GR 23 0172 2610 0052 6106 3351 004

    Alpha Bank: GR 66 0140 7180 7180 0233 0002 237


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